Beaver Brook Blue Fins (BBBF)
Team Rep: Katie Rowe ([email protected]m, 865.406.3087)
Meet Director: Allison Lore ([email protected], 865.250.0283)
Volunteer Coordinator: Leslie Marmorstein ([email protected], 615.598.0446)
Head Coach: Brett Tannhauser ([email protected], 865.386.8312)
Green Meadow (GMST)
Team Rep: Hana Rothenberg ([email protected], 615.473.0835)
Meet Director: Millie Hodge ([email protected], 865.806.6806)
Volunteer Coordinator: Claude Hardy ([email protected], 865.850.4301)
Head Coach: Sam Tate ([email protected], 865.300.6063)
Assistant Coach: Emerson Kidd-Benthall ([email protected], 865.640.1272)
Knoxville Racquet Club (KRC)
Team Rep: Katie Linkous ([email protected], 865.321.0454)
Meet Director: Leah Berry ([email protected], 865.591.5725)
Angela Acker ([email protected], 865.206.5333)
Volunteer Coordinator: Andrea Kendrick ([email protected], 865.474.0211)
Head Coach: Jackie Bertucci ([email protected], [email protected], 865.207.7297)
Assistant Coach: Joe Peeden ([email protected], 865.591.9182)
Sugarwood Stingrays (SWSR)
Team Rep: Michelle Bell ([email protected], 701.426.9736)
Meet Director: Amy Steger ([email protected], 865.919.1138)
Volunteer Coordinator: Amy Steger ([email protected], 865.919.1138)
Head Coach: Jodi Vineyard ([email protected], 865.207.8878)
Assistant Coach: Gabby Maine ([email protected], 865.696.6394)
Assistant Coach: Reagan Horn ([email protected], 865.405.2611)
Assistant Coach: Anna Tanaka ([email protected], 805.624.2302)
Village Green (VG)
Team Rep: Brittany Payne ([email protected], 865.604.6024)
Erin Caylor ([email protected], 865.603.3177)
Co-Meet Director/Volunteer: Haley Seivers ([email protected], 865.850.9142)
Co-Meet Director/Volunteer: Megan Edman ([email protected], 901.490.6606)
Head Coach: Sarah Fortney ([email protected], 865.406.9589)
Assistant Coach: Jessie Stephens Burkhart ([email protected], 865.804.2716)
Assistant Coach: Josh Lucheon ([email protected], 865.643.1464)
Assistant Coach: Kamila Nosarzewski, ([email protected], 931.337.2131)
Assistant Coach: William Severns ([email protected], 865.440.1066)
Assistant Coach: Hannah Grace Reiman ([email protected], 865.274.3300)
Assistant Coach: Ben Kozemko ([email protected], 865.320.5031)
Assistant Coach: Emma Grace McCollum ([email protected], 865.347.9520)
Assistant Coach: Tyler Drake ([email protected], 865.801.2098)
Assistant Coach: Maddie Stephens ([email protected], 865.804.8616)
Concord Hills (CHP)
Team Rep: Ben Duby ([email protected], 423.231.2982)
Meet Director: Miranda Rector ([email protected], 843.384.2805)
Volunteer Coordinator: Lynn Adams ([email protected], 865.776.4355)
Head Coach: Brett Stoyell ([email protected], 865.333.1191)
Assistant Coach: Addie Masters ([email protected], 732.642.1025)
Assistant Coach: Annie Abraham ([email protected], 865.228.2452)
Assistant Coach: Victoria Dukes ([email protected], 865.206.4079)
Fox Den (FDCC)
Team Rep: Mary Montgomery ([email protected], 865.966.9771)
Co-Meet Director: Jill Pacelli ([email protected], 704.516.6250)
Co-Meet Director: Jessica Long (jessica@paramountlandtitle.
Volunteer Coordinator: Robin French ([email protected], 865.306.3130)
Head Coach: Joe Crozier ([email protected], 256.585.5430)
Assistant Coach: Laura Porch ([email protected], 423.948.9635)
Gettysvue (GCC)
Team Rep: Erin McCollum ([email protected], 865.607.5852)
Meet Director: Jessica Sander ([email protected], 608.469.9216)
Volunteer Coordinator: Sara Allen ([email protected], 865.712.0763)
Head Coach: John Matson ([email protected], 865.712.3993)
Assistant Coach: Carolyn Bubar ([email protected], 716.345.2805)
Gulfwood Gators (GW)
Team Rep: Tuyen Tran ([email protected], 865.382.8078)
Jessica Wise ([email protected], 865.789.8154)
Meet Director: Stephanie Coker ([email protected], 865.898.3685)
Volunteer Coordinator: Jenn Carnes ([email protected], 865.599.9289)
Head Coach: Chris Goodman ([email protected], 865.363.5538)
Assistant Coach: Joy Van Der Noord ([email protected], 404.754.3244)
Whittington Creek (WCST)
Team Rep: Raellen Simpson ([email protected], 865.712.5086)
Meet Director: Jami Aylor ([email protected], 865.406.9336)
Volunteer Coordinator: Melody Luhn ([email protected], 865.963.1693)
Head Coach: Chad Keener ([email protected], 865.455.4670)
Assistant Coach: Maria Coco ([email protected], 847.525.8454)
Assistant Coach: Michael Berger (865.235.3309)
Assistant Coach: Connor Daniels (540.553.4243)
Assistant Coach: Meghan Oros ([email protected], 865.659.3639)
Gulf Park (GP)
Team Rep: Jennifer Roden ([email protected], 865.363.4776)
Meet Director: Kimberly Evers ([email protected], 865.207.4236)
Volunteer Coordinator: Alison Ross ([email protected], 973.930.8966)
Head Coach: Harper Houk ([email protected], 865.567.7068)
Zach Telep ([email protected], (865.660.4075)
National Fitness Center (NFC)
Team Rep: Alicia Williamson ([email protected], 865.483.6868)
Meet Director: Matt Jerrell (865.567.8753)
Volunteer Coordinator:
Head Coach: Amy Caldwell ([email protected], 615.456.8202)
Assistant Coach: Lori Trabalka ([email protected], 865.621.0697)
Assistant Coach: Melissa Willis ([email protected], 865.335.0381)
Peninsula Club (PC)
Team Rep: Cassady Varner ([email protected], 865.851.5616)
Meet Director: Danielle Broome ([email protected], 865.548.6366)
Volunteer Coordinator: Cassady Varner ([email protected], 865.851.5616)
Head Coach: Andie Tisue ([email protected], 865.455.4203)
Assistant Coach: Fletcher Freeman (865.216.7430)
Assistant Coach: Kaitlyn Harper ([email protected], 865.567.9752)
Assistant Coach: Kathryn Powell ([email protected])
Assistant Coach: Carter Dickens (865.456.4600)
Sevier Aquatic Club (SAC)
Team Rep: Doug Blalock ([email protected], 865.680.4677)
Meet Director: Barry Warren ([email protected], 865.850.2587)
Volunteer Coordinator: Marguerite Atchley ([email protected])
Assistant Team Rep: Ashley Mayo ([email protected])
Head Coach: Scott Mayo ([email protected], 865.221.7290)
Assistant Coach: Daniel Gomez
Assistant Coach: Cheryl Spanjersberg
The Jefferson City Swim Club (JCSC)
Team Rep: David Cooper ([email protected], 423.312.8801)
Meet Director: Erik Hutchins ([email protected], 865.604.4306)
Volunteer Coordinator: Barbara Nichols ([email protected], 865.936.7677)
Head Coach: Josh Winn ([email protected], 512.709.7297)
Assistant Coach: Grace Rathe ([email protected], 865.850.2120)
Assistant Coach: Ethan Lawless ([email protected], 252.412.1280)
Cherokee Country Club (CCC)
Team Rep: April Underwood ([email protected], 865.314.5655)
Meet Director: April Underwood ([email protected], 865.314.5655)
Volunteer Coordinator: Jonathan Fortner ([email protected], 615.702.2530)
Head Coach: Lizzie Fleming ([email protected], 865.271.8471)
Assistant Coach: Abbey Aycock (865.310.6423)
Assistant Coach: Siaka Weidenbaum
Assistant Coach: Ella Mikulec
Crestwood Hills (CWH)
Team Rep: Jill Richards ([email protected], 239.734.0202)
Meet Director: Audrey Faso ([email protected], 865.456.3955)
Volunteer Coordinator: Jill Richards ([email protected], 239.734.0202)
Head Coach: Kelley Grace Chadwell ([email protected], 865.603.2667)
Head Coach: Rachel Aycock ([email protected], 865.441.2684)
Assistant Coach: Anne Lauren Bellah
Lenoir City Bettas (LCB)
Team Rep: Mel Everett ([email protected], 865.415.7546)
Meet Director: Mel Everett ([email protected], 865.415.7546)
Volunteer Coordinator: Leigha Kirby ([email protected], 865.415.7546)
Head Coach: Hannah Crisp ([email protected], 865.680.3987)
Assistant Coach: Rosalee Wenhame ([email protected], 865.415.7546)
Maryville Alcoa Flying Dolphins (MAFD)
Team Rep: Stewart Schmidt ([email protected], 865.591.7156)
Meet Director: Kayla Kubiak ([email protected], 865.689.9014)
Volunteer Coordinator:
Head Coach: Will Dudley ([email protected], 704.777.1580)
Assistant Coach:
University Swim Club (USC)
Team Rep: Leslie Nack ([email protected], 865.776.3220)
Meet Director: Leslie Nack ([email protected], 865.776.3220)
Volunteer Coordinator: Ashley Beckett ([email protected], 865.386.2958)
Head Coach: Robbie Chadwell ([email protected], 865.603.5110)
Assistant Coach: Ally Davis ([email protected], 865.567.8390)
Assistant Coach: Erica Williamson ([email protected], 865.719.3047)
Assistant Coach: Dylan Smith ([email protected], 615.561.9453)
Assistant Coach: Marilla Neubauer ([email protected], 865.740.4237)
Emerald Force (EYF)
Team Rep: Rebekah Fadeley ([email protected], 706.831.4517)
Meet Director:
Volunteer Coordinator:
Head Coach: Rebekah Fadeley ([email protected], 706.831.4517)
Assistant Coach: Anna Hardin ([email protected], 850.525.8895)
Kingston Swim Team (KST)
Team Rep: Beth McClure ([email protected], 865.622.1812)
Meet Director:
Volunteer Coordinator: Beth McClure ([email protected], 865.622.1812)
Head Coach:
Assistant Coach:
Morristown Boys and Girls Club (MBGC)
Team Rep: Shane Borie ([email protected], 865.850.0743)
Meet Director: Shane Webb ([email protected], 423.258.9558)
Volunteer Coordinator: Shane Webb ([email protected], 423.258.9558)
Head Coach: Shane Webb ([email protected], 423.258.9558)
Assistant Coach:
Pilot Family YMCA (PFY)
Team Rep: Derek Paul ([email protected], 317.504.5486)
Meet Director:
Volunteer Coordinator:
Head Coach: Jack Little ([email protected], 870.273.8003)
Assistant Coach: Emma Adkins ([email protected], 865.748.1118)
Rockwood Swim Team (RWST)
Team Rep: Cassandra Dothard ([email protected], 865.809.9414)
Meet Director: Cassandra Dothard ([email protected], 865.809.9414)
Volunteer Coordinator: Cassandra Dothard ([email protected], 865.809.9414)
Head Coach: Cassandra Dothard ([email protected], 865.809.9414)
Assistant Coach: Carly Schrade ([email protected], 865.617.8511)
AJCC Smokin’ Salmon (AJCC)
Team Rep: Amelia Brooke ([email protected], 865.352.0074)
Meet Director: Kaleigh McVety ([email protected], 813.508.5368)
Volunteer Coordinator: Amelia Brooke ([email protected], 865.352.0074)
Co-Head Coach: Amelia Brooke ([email protected], 865.352.0074)
Co-Head Coach: Ethan Griffin ([email protected], 865.776.2660)
Assistant Coach: Alisa Seiger ([email protected], 865.455.2462)
Clinton Sharks (CSST)
Team Rep: Jonathan Leninsky ([email protected], 865.352.7467)
Meet Director: Jonathan Leninsky ([email protected], 865.352.7467)
Volunteer Coordinator: Jonathan Leninsky ([email protected], 865.352.7467)
Head Coach: Jonathan Leninsky ([email protected], 865.352.7467)
Assistant Coach:
Newport Cocke County (NCC)
Team Rep: Megan Stinson ([email protected], 423.608.5522)
Meet Director: Destiney Freeman ([email protected], 423.200.9922)
Volunteer Coordinator: Rachel Mathers ([email protected], 423.625.9750)
Head Coach: Misti Gray ([email protected], 770.519.9508)
Oak Ridge City Aquatics (ORCA)
Team Rep: Vonda Wooten ([email protected], 865.719.2210)
Meet Director: Sarah Corcoran ([email protected], 303-809-2470)
Volunteer Coordinator: Vonda Wooten ([email protected], 865.719.2210)
Head Coach: Sarah Corcoran ([email protected], 303-809-2470)
Assistant Coach:
Tennova Family YMCA (TFY)
Team Rep: Julie Walker ([email protected], 865.255.3299)
Meet Director:
Volunteer Coordinator: Renee Southerland ([email protected], 865.684.6151)
Head Coach: Alexis Greenwell ([email protected], 865.705.1966)
Assistant Coach: Amanda King ([email protected], 865.898.5464)
Assistant Coach: Baylee Jenes ([email protected], 865.300.7527)